27 February 2014

Cycling in London

Discussing options at Full City Cycles
I have been trolling bike shops lately as I have had my eye on a few bikes in hope of perhaps replacing my hybrid bike. I would like a simple and light weight road bike(and not those little ones you can fold) as my current one is a touch too heavy and have used it mainly for training for the Wild UK challenge I did last year, which by they way I might be doing again this year. God help me! In the hope of being a little more prepared this year I would like an everyday kind of bike to use in and around London. Easier said than done as cycling in London has been a bit dangerous of late, but glad to see the police ensuring safer ridding these days. So I have been scouting lots of bike shops in search of one bike that I will not want to walk away from. If that doesn't happen I might be having one built to my liking by Full City Cycles.

I also came across this video and it showcases bikes that are close to what I am looking for. I have also been drooling over the bikes on Cycle EXIFthis one here and here  and here are just so beautiful I cant even decide which I would pick if I had an unlimited budget.

I can't wait for spring/summer to come so I can take the bike outside without coming back home looking like a wet stray cat because I got drenched in the rain. I say this as if we don't have rain the London summer. Well, one can certainly hope...

If you know of a place in London that has break bikes but wont have my bank manager complaining, please let me know...


  1. Cycling is so good you get free transport nad get healthy at the same time.

    1. All the reasons why I really want to sort it out as soon as :)

  2. They look very cool… The company I work for is doing a bike to work scheme at the moment and you get lots of money off… You are now tempting me!

    1. Mine is too(cycle scheme that is), but I think the buy still belongs to the company if I go down that route...I am not sure about paying money forward for something I cannot keep. Although I may need to look further into this if I am to get a bike I really have my eyes on. Temptation temptation!!

  3. Lots of companies offer Bike to Work schemes. I think cycling is probably the fastest way to get around busy cities! :) Good luck with the bike hunt x

    1. Thanks! Will definitely look more into the scheme as some of the bikes I want are £500+

  4. Oh, I love cycling!! What a great post!

    New Blog Post: [Health Tips] Stay Fit While You Sit

  5. Thanks Beth. I use a Nikon D3100.

  6. Your blog is wonderful! :)
    Léia - Bonjour et Bon Voyage

  7. As a Dutchie I love cycling! Unfortunately all bikes in Rotterdam get stolen so I ride a more than 30-year old bike haha!

    1. Really?! I thought everyone one was riding around on bikes there which meant no need to steal any as they are plentiful...so wrong was I. As for the 30 year old Dutchie, now that is a priceless vintage. Hold on to it!

  8. I love how London is finally embracing cycling properly... I hadn't appreciated how much cities can run on bike power before we lived here, and before here we lived in Copenhagen which is all bikes! :D

    1. Thank goodness they are really starting to embrace it. It is starting to become less scary to ride around London.

  9. Hi dear!! I really enjoy your blog, its amazing!!
    Your choices is so perfect :)
    Come to see my new post: REALITY BITES

  10. oh i havent been in a bike shop for years but i remember the last time i was completely lost with soo many different options its not soo simple anymore x


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