6 November 2016

London Exploring | Tower Bridge At Night [What to See and Do In London] Pt3

Part Three of my exploring London series is by way of a little night photography on London's Tower Bridge. I usually say to myself that I will go shooting on this bridge but each weekend I come up with an excuse not to go. I guess because over the summer period the sun sets slightly later and I just haven't been bothered to wait until 8 or 9pm for it to set (says the person that went shooting sunsets at midnight in Iceland). I take a lot of things for granted living so central in London. As they are a stone's through away I always put them off in favour of something far away.

So this evening I dragged my boyfriend out with me and plugged it as a little walk because hey "we haven't been doing our usual walks lately". Never mind, that it was a walk that was going to include packing photography equipment as well, which he was also going to help me carry. He is an unpaid photography assistant, he just doesn't know it yet. Like I have said in the previous post in the series, these will act as a way to showcase a little bit of London as an when I go out on photo walks, whether solo, with other Instagrammers and when I drag my boyfriend out to assist. Below are a few shots from a night photography session on Tower Bridge.

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