16 June 2015

Unplug and Enjoy | 5 Tips to Totally Switch off on Holiday

Being connected to the world is everyone's priority these days. Whether travelling for business or pleasure making sure that your hotel has internet free internet is usually one those things that we are now checking before we even check if they offer free breakfast. When was the last time you really switched off? I mean really turn off and switch off! That moment when you didn't have to check how many likes your Instagram or Facebook post had, how many people have retweeted your tweet?  Didn't have to check an email or whatapps ping after your phone buzzed. My guess is that its been a pretty long time if you are honest with yourself. Dont worry I am also guilt of that but I am trying every now and then to just switch all gadets off. If that means running off to the British countryside with friends or going on a little Reiki retreat to enjoy the beaches on the British Isles then guess what, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. I am  not saying you have to do this for the entire time of your break but I believe a minimum of half a day to a day minimum will really mean you can benefit. So without further ado, here are my 5 tips to getting a little peace of mind and a little more joy in your days. Point 1 and 5 are the most important to get the most out of this.

1. No Social Media 

Wait what if I need  to share something I have just seen?! The robber of all time. These little things can not only suck the productivity out of your life but can also be the robber of all joy where people are competing for follows' attention or worse yet you comparing yourself to what other people are posting and seemingly made to feel as if you are not living enough, not traveling enough, you don't have enough of the latest gadget, shoes, bags....resulting in peace and joy slowly sucked from your days.

2. No Phones

Putting it on flight mode doesn't could! If you cant stand to leave it behind or have separation anxiety then just turn it off.  Yes, I also understand that you might be spotting the latest iPhone or those lucious Samsung beauties(can you tell where my  heart lies?), just put it away! Trust me, once you start noticing the fragrance of the air, the smiles from random strangers, the beauty of the architecture around you, the scents from recent blooms reminiscent of the spring we are bout to leave behind, trust me you will forget about your phone and all the apps dying for your attention.

3. Do Not Instagram 

See number 1, yes that  also includes Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat...if unsure go back to tip number one. But what if I see something really could and have need to Instagram it. When was the last time you really saw something with your own eyes. Not through the video you were so busy recording. I mean really see it. How your eyes twinkle with excitement, how your pulse races just a little when you are fully immersed with all your being, noticing the colours of the subject in question how the weather was; breezy, bright, sunny and just all so beautiful. Tell me you will be able to feel that through watching a video. So put that Insta-thing away and immerse yourself!

4. No Paparazzi Please! No Camera for You.

Yep this one is a toughie for while most likely running around with my Nikon somewhere in my totes. So  ladies and gentlement, leave your Canons, your Nikon, Sonys, Samsung SLRs, DSLRs and your point and shoots. Yes, this include your ipad, macbook, and other other fancy ass vintage cameras too as they all come under this restriction. If they can take pictures then switch it off. That goes for anyone's granddad or nan  that is spotting those old phones with dodgy 2 megapixel cameras. Yes, I am talking to you grandma. Put it away and get some zen in your life, if for a moment.

5. The ALL IMPORTANT RULE - Breath In and Enjoy!

Seriously just take a deep breath and just enjoy! Its so easy to allow phones, gadgets and technology in general interfere with the basics, like having a normal conversation with someone. I mean really have a conversation. I am not saying we now have to discuss war and peace, but just have a conversation that involves looking someone in the eyes. Notice how their lips creases when they talk or how their eyes light up with each description. You can so easily miss out on those personal details that make the human to human conversation that much more interactive and enjoyable. Countless experiences don't end up on the blog here, why? Because believe it or not blogging is just like a job and just like we all need some time away from our jobs you also need time from the blog sphere too which is morphed into rules 1-4 above.

So switch your phone off, your camera...and get your happy on!

So you never miss a post, be sure to follow me on 


  1. Being constantly connected is one of the "diseases" of our society. When I travel I'm pretty good at disconnecting, I usually share one pic a day when back in the room and that's it! I refuse to go have an Instagram account for exactly that reason! :-) Too bad if it costs me followers, readers, ... It's still MY holiday, not anybody else's! :-)

    1. This just gave me an idea. I am heading to Greece in two weeks and I was wondering whether to falling switch off for this trip but I guess there is the option of just posting once at the end of the day. May be trying that.

  2. Eek this would give me palpitations! How bad is that??

    1. Sounds like this post is exactly what you need! Trust me you will be better for it. Dont try and go cold turkey. Just try a few hours over the weekend and just leave the phone off and away from the gadets. Camera are allowed as long as there is no connectivity to internet.

  3. We tried it. And failed miserably. On our VACATION from travel blogging while we were in the Philippines. We even picked a resort that had NO WIFI in the rooms. The result? We sat outside the room with our ipads. We're terrible.

    1. Haha oh man. Well you know what it takes a few tries. Sometimes even a few a hours away from being connect to the world is very beneficial.

  4. It can be really hard to disconnect for any length of time, but those I know who've done a digital detox highly recommend it.

    1. I try to do once or twice a year for at least a weekend. Its quiet freeing after you get over the shock of falling of the grid for atleast a day.

  5. I try to switch off all electronics now and then but being a digital nomad sadly also means being consumed by electronics and social media, so it is very hard thing to if you wanna make a living.

    1. Totally understandable but even bloggers need a day off now and then :D

  6. I try doing this all the time but it is so hard (especially as a blogger!!) The only time is works for me is when I have no choice due to sketchy wifi :)

    1. Haha yep I have been there as well. The more you do it the easier it gets though and the more peace of mind too...


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